Site icon Pioneer Group

Freeport Questionnaire – Wilton Centre


Pioneer Group are undertaking an assessment to establish the viability of expanding the Wilton Centre within the Teesside Freeport boundary.

Our plan is to develop c. 150,000 sqft of new R&D and manufacturing space with supplemental offices and labs. The properties will be 9m in height and have individual service yards with roller shutter doors to enable easy transport of goods and materials in and out. As you would expect, the buildings will be created with sustainability in mind, targeting a BREAAM very good/excellent score.

The properties will be linked to the Wilton Centre via a walkway so that staff can easily enjoy all the amenities provided within the main buildings.

proposed site plan

These properties will be within the boundary of the Teesside Freeport, and therefore benefit from substantial incentives. Please see the below link to a PDF for a summary of all Freeport benefits.


In order to better understand the requirements of potential occupiers we kindly ask that you answer the short questionnaire below.

This should take no more than 5-10 minutes.


1. Do you have any plans for expansion / development of technical / production facilities, local or national?(Required)
2. What do you expect will be the ratio of office/lab/scale-up/manufacturing?(Required)

3. How large do you think this requirement will be in the next 12-24 months?(Required)
4. Do you anticipate this requirement would grow beyond that size in the future?(Required)
5. How many new jobs do you anticipate this will create, if any?(Required)
6. Is this linked to any other projects local, national, or international?(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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