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NanoSyrinx Joins Life Sciences Incubator in Nottingham

Pioneer Group would like to officially welcome NanoSyrinx to our life sciences incubator at BioCity Nottingham.

Golden Ticket Winners

NanoSyrinx was the lucky winner of Pioneer Group’s competitive AbbVie UK Golden Ticket Competition, which is open to early-stage life sciences companies and biotech start-ups that are working to develop cutting-edge therapies or technology platforms.

Under the programme, the company will benefit from one year of free lab space at BioCity Nottingham, including core facilities and services within the life sciences incubator, plus exclusive access to AbbVie and Pioneer Group’s networks with the opportunity for future collaboration.

About NanoSynrinx

Founded in 2020 by Dr. Joe Healey, Dr. Nick Waterfield and Dr. Alexia Hapeshi, NanoSyrinx is a cutting-edge synthetic biology company creating the next generation of targeted drug delivery systems to address challenges in the biologic delivery sector.

The company is on a mission to fundamentally revolutionise how medicines are administered on a nanoscopic scale, by developing a novel system based around naturally occurring ‘nanosyringes’.

A Warm Welcome to BioCity Nottingham!

On the company’s first official day at BioCity Nottingham, Pioneer Group Director, Suketa Shah, gave the team an insider’s look around the life sciences incubator, where bio and pharma companies come together to innovate, collaborate, grow and succeed.

The team was then shown around its new CoLab space, where it will continue its mission to deliver the future of intracellular medicine.

We’d like to wish the team a very warm welcome from the entire Pioneer Group family!

Are You Looking For Lab Space?

Pioneer Group delivers high-spec labs and a range of expert-led services for the life science and technology companies who call us home. Our holistic approach to business support and flexible spaces makes us the ideal fit for your life science start-up or spin-out.  

Check out our available lab and office space here.

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