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‘Join us online for an exciting discussion exploring what patent data can tell us about global green innovation. 

In partnership with the leading intellectual property law firm, Appleyard Lees, we will delve into the insights provided by their upcoming release of the ‘Inside Green Innovation – Progress Report – Fourth Edition’.

What can patent data reveal about global progress in green innovation, and what might be achieved in years to come?

Appleyard Lees’ annual ‘Inside Green Innovation – Progress Report’ analyses patent filings across several areas of innovation. Their data-driven report gets behind the rhetoric, to shed light on the state of progress in the development of green technologies.

Our featured speaker, Chris Mason, Partner, and Patent Attorney at Appleyard Lees will share his expertise in chemistry, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, and medical devices. Chris works directly with companies to design and implement patent filing strategies that align with their commercial objectives. He frequently encounters green innovations in areas such as reducing energy required for manufacturing, increasing the use of recycled materials, and developing new biodegradable materials. Chris also addresses the impact of regulatory pressures and the growing focus on product life cycle sustainability. Additionally, he collaborates with clients to establish new green industries, promising radical changes for the future.

Chris will present the key findings of the Inside Green Innovation – Progress Report – Fourth Edition and discuss:

  • How close are we to finding the technological solutions crucial for sustainability?
  • Where, and by whom, are these innovations being developed?

You can view the 2023 report here.’