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Join us online, with our partners, OGGS, Cellcraft and Change Bio for this exciting event to hear about the cutting edge science behind the development and commercialisation of alternative proteins.

Agriculture already uses almost half of the world’s vegetated land. It consumes 90 percent of all the water used by humanity and generates one-quarter of the annual global emissions that are causing global warming. And yet of the seven billion people living today, 820 million are undernourished because they don’t have access to—or can’t afford—an adequate diet.

Climate change, global pandemics, and animal welfare are three of the most pressing challenges we face today. The intricate links between these issues can be traced to a common source: our global food system. In particular, the intensive production and consumption of animal-based proteins have exhibited alarming consequences for the environment, public health, and the well-being of animals.

Alternative proteins produced from plants or animal cells, require fewer inputs, such as land and water, generate far fewer negative externalities, such as greenhouse gas emissions and pollution, and lowers the risk of disease transmission. If we want to sustain the increasing global population, then the shift to sustainable, alternative proteins can make a significant contribution to the transformation of our food system to become more sustainable and resilient.


12.00pm Welcome

12.05pm   Plant based alternative proteins Alexandra Hyde, OGGs

12.15pm State-of-the-art technology inspired by nature to cultivate real meat outside animal bodies Yash Mishra, Cellcraft

12.25pm Upcycling carbon through fermentation Zoe Woods, Change Bio

12.35pm Panel discussion and Q&A: How can we accelerate the commercialisation of next generation alternative proteins

The online Teams meeting link will be shared to all delegates prior to the online event.

Please RSVP to reserve your free place.