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Join us for this exciting Pioneer Presents event to hear from experts about their work in developing and deploying sustainable food systems.

To take a bite out of inequality, health crises, climate change, and ecological destruction, we need sustainable food systems. Given the global population increase, humans have never produced or consumed as much food as we currently do. But how our modern food systems operate is killing us and our planet. We must rapidly create more sustainable food systems, from seed to spoon.

Sustainable Food Systems of the Future



09:00 Coffee and Registration
09:30 Welcome and introduction to Pioneer Group Miranda Knaggs, Pioneer Group
09:45 Sustainable Agricultural Systems for the Future Professor Colin Osborne, University of Sheffield
10:15 Green innovation in sustainable food systems James Myatt, Appleyard Leeds
10:30 Role of public funding supporting Agrifood innovation Chris Danks, Agrifood Innovation Lead, Innovate UK
10:50 Break
Session One: Sustainable novel and alternative sources for nutritious desirable food
11:20 Enabling Scale-Up of Novel Food Production Systems Jude Huggan, CPI
11:40 Sustainable protein ingredients for feed and food Geoff Bryant, Calysta
12:00 Accelerating the cultivated meat industry Ivan Wall, Quest Meat
12:20 Engineering Microbial Foods Rodrigo Ledesma-Amaro, Reader in Synthetic Biology, Imperial College London (via video)
12:40 Power of microbes in food and feed Edward Green, CEO, NCIMB
13:00 Insects as a source of alternative protein Jessica Baker, FERA
13:20 Lunch and Networking
Session Two: Reducing the climate impact of food production
14:20 Food cannot cost the Earth: reducing the impact of feeding the planet Dr Joe Bennett, Biorenewables Development Centre
14:40 Global nitrogen fertilizer supply chain-Emissions impact and mitigation Dr Yunhu Gao, University of Cambridge
15:00 Biodegradable plastics for sustainable agriculture Tony Heslop, Sustainability Manager, BASF
15:20 A sustainable drop-in alternative to plastic James Nelson, 2M and Xampla
15:40 A circular approach towards seaweed biomaterials: exploring packaging application and by-product valorisation as food additive Mattia Parati, Chief Scientific Officer, FlexSea Ltd
16:00 Networking
17:00 Close

Venue: Wilton Centre
Location: what3words: warm.royal.direct


At Pioneer Group, we believe in the power of innovation and collaboration, to tackle our human and planetary health challenges.

Pioneer Presents is our inspiring new event series exploring the challenges that we, as a life-sciences community, strive to solve.