Pioneer Presents

Event Series

Curated events exploring the challenges we, as a life-sciences community, strive to solve.

We connect you with the largest collective of scientists and technologists in Europe, bringing together experts and thought-leaders from across the Pioneer community, our wider network and industry through a series of in-person events, online panels and round table discussions.

Together, we are a dynamic collective of like-minded, ambitious individuals who believe in making a real impact.

“The event series is designed for all those based at a Pioneer location and professionals working within the industry. We’ve worked hard to select themes that create discussion, engender collaboration and inspire.”

Miranda Knaggs – Corporate Development Director


Event Themes

Human Health in a Changing Climate

Climate change is impacting health in a myriad of ways, including by leading to death and illness from increasingly frequent extreme weather events, such as heatwaves, storms and floods, the disruption of food systems, increases in infections and food, water and vector-borne diseases, and mental health issues. We need to be ready to deal with an uncertain climatic future and respond to health emergencies quickly.

Circular Carbon Economy

We live in a world driven by traditional linear economies, where we take resources, make things, consume them, and throw them away. This way of living uses finite raw materials and produces vast waste. In contrast, in a circular carbon economy, things made from carbon, such as chemicals and plastics, are created and consumed in a way that minimises our use of virgin-fossil resources, cuts waste and reduces carbon emissions. We must accelerate our transition to a truly circular carbon economy.

Sustainable Food Systems

To take a bite out of inequality, health crises, climate change, and ecological destruction, we need sustainable food systems. Given the global population increase, humans have never produced or consumed as much food as we currently do. But how our modern food systems operate is killing us and our planet. Climate change is and will continue to affect all four dimensions of food security: food availability, food accessibility, food utilisation, and food system stability. We must rapidly create more sustainable food systems, from seed to spoon.

Enabling Services

Organisations must collaborate with various professional services to foster growth. In planetary health, this involves partnering with patent attorneys, lawyers, accountants, scientific service organisations, trade bodies, financial specialists, and business development experts.

Upcoming Events

Our 2024 events programme has come to close.

Please sign up to our email list to hear about our 2025 events programme, when it is announced.