Biomedical Catalyst AI in Health Accelerator Programme Application

Applications will close Monday 7th October, and the form will take 10 – 15 minutes to complete. The deadline for submission is 5 days after initially receiving this link via email. If you haven’t already completed an expression of interest, please do so at the bottom of this page.


What AI in health category does your focus area fall within?(Required)
Select all that apply
Please indicate the type of AI technology used in your product/service:(Required)
What is the current stage of technology?



Please list any technical, clinical or commercial milestones achieved
Please include funding body, grant size, etc



Supporting Documents

Accepted file types: pdf, doc, ppt, Max. file size: 10 MB.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

By answering these questions you’re helping us to ensure that Innovate UK, part of UK Research and Innovation, is as inclusive as possible and treating everyone who engages with us fairly. It should take you no more than 3 minutes. 
I consent to UK Research and Innovation using my equality, diversity and inclusion data for the purposes outlined below. By clicking ‘yes’, you are confirming that you understand and accept how we will handle and store your personal data. You are required to confirm to progress with your interactions with Innovate UK.(Required)
What is your age?
What is your ethnicity or ethnic group?
Your ethnic group could be your cultural or family background and should be the option you most closely identify with. We are taking action to advance equality for overlooked ethnic groups. Your response is key to understanding trends and monitoring the impact of activities.
What is your gender?
For this question you are asked about your gender, which may reflect a combination of gender identity, expression and/or experience. Gender refers to your current gender, which may be different to sex recorded at birth and may be different to what is indicated on legal documents. You will have the opportunity to provide your sex in the next question. Your answer will help us identify any disproportionately under-represented genders and monitor changes when taking action to advance equality of opportunity.
Are your activities ever affected by a disability, impairment or long-term illness which has lasted, or is expected to last, at least 12 months?
Day-to day activities could include travelling for work, using computers, stakeholder interactions, time management, or other relevant activities. The conditions, illnesses or disabilities do not need to be medically diagnosed. We are committed to removing barriers for individuals with conditions, illnesses or disabilities. Responding to this question will help us to tailor services and support, building a more accessible system for everyone.
Are you a member of any underrepresented group?
Please check all that apply
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.