Sygnature Discovery is a leading independent provider of integrated drug discovery resource and expertise. Our mission is to accelerate the discovery of new medicines from the laboratory into development, improving the lives of patients with a range of debilitating and fatal diseases.

Creating genuine value for our clients is a core ethos at Sygnature. We do that by providing more than just an out-of-the-box service; we accelerate clients’ drug discovery projects through to pre-clinical candidate by contributing advanced scientific knowledge and intellectual input to each programme.

Sygnature undertakes target validation, hit identification, hit-to-lead and lead optimisation projects, and complete drug discovery programmes for pharmaceutical and biotech companies worldwide. Core capabilities include medicinal chemistry, in vitro biology, computational sciences and informatics, DMPK, in vivo pharmacology and protein crystallography.

Sygnature has an enviable track record of success for delivering multiple drug candidates on client projects. Currently there are 15 drug candidates in the clinic invented at Sygnature since 2011.