Cardiff Edge
Pre-Application Consultation
The rejuvenation of Cardiff Edge is on the horizon, with the first planning application as part of a wider master plan coming forward soon. The first application (the subject of this pre-application consultation) will provide one new office/laboratory building and a ‘hub’ building to provide improved amenity facilities and break-out space for the whole of Cardiff Edge. The proposal will also result in the demolition of units 19 and 20 (please see supporting plans for further detail).
The proposed development across Cardiff Edge is landscape-led, in line with the wider vision for the area, to create an attractive campus-style environment to encourage interaction and biodiversity gain.
Prior to the submission of the application, the Planning (Wales) Act 2015 (the Act) requires that developers must carry out a statutory pre-application consultation on planning applications for major developments in Wales. Developers must demonstrate that they have adhered to the consultation requirements as part of the planning application submission.
The public and interested parties are essential stakeholders in the planning process. It is important that public views are seen as integral to the process. When done well engagement frontloads the planning process, increases community buy-in, improves the quality of the built environment and creates efficiency and certainty in the planning process for all.
Draft application pack
The pack contains the full suite of application supporting documents for comment, in the same way that the Local Planning Authority will undertake statutory consultation when the application is submitted. The official consultation start date is 14th September 2022 and it will run for 28 days.
Do you have
any feedback?
What happens next?
At the end of the consultation period, any comments received will be collated and the scheme amended if and where relevant. A response to each comment received will be available during the application process within the Pre-Application Consultation Report which will be included with the planning application submission.